Friday, March 4, 2016

Pain and Suffering


How are you? Good? Yeah, not me. Guess what started this week? Softball tryouts! Yay! No that is actually a good thing, but here's the bad part: LESS READING TIME. IF THAT'S EVEN POSSIBLE. Literally I haven't read anything other than Pride and Prejudice (for English class) and my AP Human Geography textbook. It's depressing. I haven't been watching shows either. I have nothing. It's pretty awful. Fictional characters are practically no longer in my life. All I have time for is barely ten minutes of going through Instagram and, if I'm lucky, hang out in a Harry Potter related tag. Specifically Drarry, but that's just me. I want to cry all the time. I think it's because fandoms are slightly fading out because high school decided to be a BITCH. YEAH, THANKS A LOT PARK CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT. ALSO THE AMERICAN SCHOOL SYSTEM IN GENERAL. I just wanna cry and get so dehydrated I have to be rushed to the hospital so I can get excused from school. That's how desperate I am to read more. You probably thing I'm joking right now, believe me, I'm 100% not.

Back to softball really quickly. Besides the fact I can't read anymore, I also can't move. Softball is a very different sport from skiing so there are vastly different muscles used. I can't move my legs. Or my shoulders. Or my hips. At all. Bending over? hahah that's funny. Reaching across the table? yeah, give that a try! Sitting down and standing up? may as well attempt to jump into space. It's horrible. And it sounds like I'm just miserable doing softball but I lost the sport so much. Sure, it hurts but it's so much fun. And all the girls are super awesome. It's actually worth it to limp around school to go to softball, honestly. The only thing that makes me slightly regret it is the whole reading and fandom life thing. But I love softball so, oh well.

I am also very sick. Stuffy nose, huge tonsils, insane cough, sneezing uncontrollable sick. And of course I get sick the week of tryouts, right? OF FUCKING COURSE. So yeah, that makes me even more miserable. And getting the weird looks in the hallway for how I walk isn't great either. I'm also exhausted which is why I don't stay up even later after finishing my seventeen pages of Pride and
the accuracy is realll from crossfitBrit
Prejudice, which I'm not saying is a bad book, it's just not on my TBR and because it's for school it sort of sucks the life out of it. I hate to say that because it makes me annoying, but it's just true. If you have to read a book in a certain time period then do a project on it, it sucks a lot more than it would. So back to my being sick, I sleep more than usual which is an upside and a downside because when I go to sleep is normally when I read for another hour or two. It sucks! I hate being sick.

Basically you can't even call me a fangirl right now because I'm in practically no fandoms because I don't do anything that doesn't take place at or for school. Which is just going to be the story of my life, right? Right. Great. Everything is fucking great.
