Wednesday, September 30, 2015



I’m Annie Sheinberg (Sheiny is a pen name, you could say) and this is my blog for my English assignment. I’m fourteen years old, I live in Park City, I attend Treasure Mountain Junior High, and a couple classes at Park City High School. I ski race and play softball. I have five cats all named after fictional characters, Winky, Dobby, Nico, Jem, and Simba. I go to summer camp every summer in Minnesota, at Camp Lake Hubert.  I actually have an extremely boring life, and you probably don’t want to hear about it!

If my childhood could fit in one picture, this would start it.
This blog is going to be all about my fandoms (Harry Potter is definitely my biggest fandom), my non-fandoms (if you catch my drift there), maybe an occasional real life story that’s funny or slightly relevant, and some other reading life style things. Specifically those things would be about music that gets me in x genre of book mood, my favorite places to read, book pet peeves (*cough* *cough* “I let out a breath that I didn’t know I was holding” *cough* *cough*), my ships, the best memes, and so much more. Mostly, this will be about books, but if there’s a really, really, REALLY excellent new Once Upon A Time (speaking of which, season 5 started on Sunday! Anyone else ecstatic about this new season? :-D), or a huge new movie came out (specifically a book-to-movie adaptation) then I’ll talk about those too! I absolutely would also love to take suggestions, so if you have a good idea or want to hear about something specific, let me know! I’ll always read my comments!

Well, I’m sorry to say I can't say this is going to be an un-bias, un-opinionated page, but I can say I'm not here to offend anyone (except maybe Donald Trump). I can get extremely passionate and over-excited, so I may seem harsh at times. But I swear, I’m not here to actually harm anyone. Just here to share, be open, meet new people, receive a good English grade. Just kidding. (No, I’m not).

Again, this is also an English assignment for school, so if you do notice any grammatical errors, corrections are not only welcomed, but encouraged. 

I also have just recently read the Throne of Glass series, I’ll probably be talking about those A LOT. Specifically my beautiful Rowan, my bangin’ girl Manon, and my sweetheart Fleetfoot! I will also, most likely, talk about one of the greatest experiences I’ve had in a long time. I actually got the chance to meet Sarah J. Maas in Salt Lake City! She talked for a while, answered some questions and I will go into deeper detail later. But she was really awesome and down to earth and I hope you all get to meet her one day too!

I also subscribe to a phenomenal YouTuber, polandbananasbooks, her name Christine and she's absolutely fabulous and fantastic. I would definitely check that out and subscribe to her for really great BookTuber-ing.
P.S. her collaborations are the funniest.

I absolutely love to hear from readers, so if you'd like to get in touch my e-mail for that is


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