Friday, October 9, 2015



So, I know that I'd only really talk about books, movies, and TV shows but this is related, right? Oh well. Here, is my first rant on this blog. Oh man. Okay, I just recently completed the adventure part of the Pottermore website. You know, the part where you go through each chapter and moments within that chapter and find all kinds of random crap like galleons and Every Flavor Beans. So, I recently finished the whole series and was MAJORLY disappointed in how Goblet of Fire through Deathly Hallows was orchestrated. There were moments nearly every three chapters! That's so underwhelming! So, I began to complain about that to my family and friends (you know, casual), and then I got the newsletter that said more on those books were coming soon and I was like YES YES YES YES! 

I screenshotted this during biology
So I kept checking Pottermore and attempting to fully complete each moment (yes, it bugs me if the little gold bar isn't full) and then one day I was bored out of my mind in a certain class, so I went to Pottermore to attempt to entertain myself into staying awake and I enter Pottermore in the bar, and it went to this new, weird page about news in the Harry Potter world. At first I was like, hey this could be cool, a new opening page and stuff, and so I tried to go to my adventure page and look through the moments I need to complete AND IT'S GONE. Disappeared. Erased. All my hard work for almost two years, down the drain. What is going on with Pottermore? I mean, don't get me wrong I enjoy a lot of the articles they put up there. The best was the wand comic, holy funny. I almost died in that certain boring class. 

Back to the point. Is this now just another boring site where there's random new articles and newer information? Or is this temporary and they're actually working on those new moments and chapters? If so, very very excited I actually like Pottermore quite a bit. And I am a huge book and movie fan. I have all eight movie posters in my room and they're like four feet tall. 

I just don't really get why people don't like Pottermore like what's wrong with it? Can someone please explain this to me? OOH also comment what house you're in #slytherinandproud. 

Well. I got it out. Someone give me hope, someone research this for me? I'm too lazy and decide not to go to the next page on google. Oops. Whatever I love Harry Potter so so much. All the movies make me cry. My phone background is literally all sad moments from the movies as seen. I'm not even sorry if I made you cry. It makes me cry maybe every other day. ESPECIALLY the one with Harry and Lupin, I mean have you seen this meme?!? I almost just started crying in biology. Fabulous. 
unbelievably not sorry

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1 comment:

  1. Annie, when you say how tall your posters are, you use "their" not "they're"
