Saturday, May 14, 2016

Bookshelf MADNESS


i mean, look at how beautiful
Can we talk about book shelf organizing? I love organizing book shelves. I love it. I've done mine by color, author, genre, publisher, height, title, literally anything. It makes me so happy to just change my view of my books. I look at them all day, after all. My bookshelf is by far my most valued \\  which makes it that much more intriguing because I cover judge a lot and I guess what books area but before I've read them and I'm most likely terribly wrong. But it's okay! Because it's my bookshelf! I love my bookshelf so much. I also like putting little trinkets on my self like cameras, ornaments, stuffed animals, and other things because it makes it THAT much more interesting! My cameras especially because I love the aesthetic of cameras way too much. WAYYYY too much.
possession(s?). And now I have books on it I haven't even read //thanks high school

After I reorganized my bookshelf, I then post about it on snapchat or Instagram which brings me to my next topic today: Instagram. I'm insanely surprised I haven't done a post about this yet, but here I am. So I have three Instagram accounts, my personal, a fangirl, and a Once Upon a Time account. My fangirl is the most popular with 1603 followers, 2813 following, and 3737 posts. Yep, those numbers are correct. I started it almost more than two years ago and it makes me so happy because I can say whatever the hell I'd like because it's anonymous. And yeah everyone always says "it's never really anonymous" but I've only posted my first name there, and that's it. The rest is my opinions. This account is my outlet to be and do whatever I want and sure, I mostly post about Harry Potter because who wouldn't. But I also post about issues in the world, other books, and other TV shows and people accept me for who I am and what I want to post. This account is ht most amazing example of how social media is good for this world. It's helped me a lot through the last few years with getting some of my anger and frustration out because I can just rant about it on there. Social media is not always bad!!!!

Also, I can now do whatever the fuck I'd like on here.


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