Wednesday, November 11, 2015

The Program (series)


Okay, so recently I read the duology The Program by Suzanne Young. The premise is basically that suicide is now an epidemic among teenagers and the only "cure" is The Program which is basically a mental facility where they wipe your "infected" memories from your mind. They basically take away most of your life. And the main character Sloane has never been to The Program but her best friend was sent about six weeks ago and her brother commit suicide two years ago. Her brother's best friend James is now Sloane's long term boyfriend and their best friend is Miller.


THIS SERIES WAS SO GOOD AND IT WAS HEART WRENCHING AND BEAUTIFUL AND I LOVE IT SO MUCH. Okay, should we start with what I love and then what I hate? Let's do it.

I love James. Honestly I was friggen dying after her memory of him was gone I actually cried and had to put the book down because I was so annoyed. He's just the perfect guy and they guy that I'd want to date. I actually really liked Sloane at first, she was just this burning light and I really admired her for her fight. And Miller was really really great. Also, when Sloane was trying to get James to "wake up" kinda from the depression and gave him head? Yes. Yes. Yes. I also love love love Dallas and she's a BAMF and she's on point all the time. And for the short time we had Lacey she was the but, you know...

Okay to the things I hate? Because I remember that stuff the most? #sorrynotsorry.

Realm can go die in a motherfucking hole. He just ruins literally everything and all I
how to die in a motherfucking hole by olivia
want to do is slap him until he dies. And he's trying to control how Sloane feels about James and he's totally judgmental. He just ruins everything. And he told Dallas that she doesn't matter. "But he sent her the cute note at the end" yeah, that was friggen adorable but you can totally tell that he was just trying to make it up to Sloane because "he loves her" blah blah blah. Sloane's mom? Honestly? Wtf? I cannot even start with that kind of betrayal. Because, not only did she call The Program once, BUT TWICE. And when Miller died and James went and cut himself? I literally sobbed out loud that my mom thought something was going on at school and I was being bullied. Not kidding. And that stupid other guy from the rebels that turned them in for The Treatment? Yeah, same boat at Realm. But that escape plan by James and Realm? Fabulous. Made my week.

Should I read The Remedy? Anybody read it? I don't actually have any readers so, why even ask? I'm such as sad human.

Just a quick note on OUAT because there's one on every post, THESE PAST TWO EPISODES ARE KILLING ME AND THE NEXT 2 HOUR ONE MIGHT ACTUALLY CAUSE ME TO HYPERVENTILATE. All the promos and spoiler pics are just nope. I'm just noping. Nope-nope-nopity-nope-nope. Dying. Actually.


Alright. I'm done. I think. I think. Phew.

Thx! Ttyl!


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