Friday, October 30, 2015

iZombie and Dragging Grown Men

I supposed with wasn't men, plural. Just one. But I'll get into that later.

Okay, latest iZombie, 2x04, not blown away. I mean, we had beautiful Peyton/Liv and Major/Liv moments, but I kept getting bored. I ended up watching the episode about three times so that I could write even a slightly interesting blog post, but I can't. Peyton finally say Liv and they hugged and it was adorable. But there were no really funny or really sad moments so... That was fabulous! Liv kissed Major! Yay! Yay! We waited fucking forever for that. But besides that, nothing really important went down. Kinda disappointed.


So, as I've explained before, I'm a ski racer. Because of the lack of snow, we do drylands every day at Alpenfit gym. For those of you who don't know, drylands is a work out geared toward whatever sport you do, so we do squats, dead lifts, push pulls, power cleans, and conditioning-type-things. This week  has been one of the hardest weeks ever. On Monday, they took us jogging over the the ski hill, and made us run up and then down the race hill, twice. My shins hurt for days. And the worst part was, it was freezing, so your insides are on fire but your outside is blue.

Then on Tuesday we did anaerobic exercises, namely kettle bell swings, sit ups, squats, then burpees, for twenty seconds then ten seconds of rest. And ten seconds seems like a reasonable amount of time, when actually that's nothing. Nothing. So actually, we got no rest and all work. And all of that doesn't seem so hard, but then we had do each exercise eight times. That turns out to be 32 rounds of twenty-seconds-on-ten-seconds-off. Needless to say, I then took Wednesday off.

"get your fat ass off!" -chloe whalen. courtesy of the fitness armory
But I did go back to drylands on Thursday. It was great, at first. We talked for a little while about everything that's coming up, and then we did yoga. It was really hard, but it wasn't exhausting it just was really hard on my abs and now, standing up is the real struggle. Then, we did an exercise where we hop from a couple feet off the ground, and try not to wiggle. That was really great too, right? Not so hard? Yeah, get this.

We also have the conditioning component to drylands, correct? Yesterday we had to do the shuttle run and pull the sled five times. Now, for the shuttle run we just run ladder, you know when you run from start to ten feet then to start then to twenty, etc. That wasn't so bad. But the sled. This to the right is the sled. We also have a rope with loops on the end thought that little circle that a person wears like a backpack. Now, one person is wearing the straps to pull and the other is pushing with those two metal rods. For my partner and I we had a twenty-five pound and a thirty-five pound weight on each rod as seen in the photo. But then, he split us into teams of three and four. Luckily, I had four but we are the slightly less strong people on the team. We kept the weights with two people pushing and two pulling. Then, our coach, Brian, sat on it. So, yes we had to drag a grown man. Now, my shins hurt even more. Brian, you're lucky I nearly passed out, otherwise I would've socked you in the jaw. And more.

So, basically my week. And yes, I left the dragging the grown man part for last so you'd read until then because this is so boring! I'm sorry. Hopefully my pain is slightly entertaining? Funny? Whatever.

Okay, when your ship might die, you stress. A lot. Merida is horrible and obnoxious and Emma needs to stop. Oh, right, I'm now shortly talking about the new sneak peak for 5x06 of Once Upon a Time because god dammit.

That's it. I'm sorry it's so horrible. I just felt like talking about dragging grown men was a good time. Oops.


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