Thursday, December 3, 2015

Royals, iZombie, and Once, Oh my!


Do you like my cliché title? I'm not even sorry about it. But it was shows galore this week because last week was "a week off for thanksgiving blah blah blah" and I found it really stupid! But now I am bursting at the seems to get down to it so lets go!

The Royals

Ok, pretty sure I have review this show yet, so let's get a premises up in here. The monarchy is still active in England and the oldest son, Robert, is murdered, now the second son Liam is first in line to the throne. This murder sends the whole country and royal family into an emotional tailspin, specifically the youngest, Eleanor. Eleanor is easily off-set and very reckless. Liam and Eleanor now are attempting to find their brother's killer, their mother is trying to back-seat run the country, and their father is extremely off-put.

Now for spoilers!

The latest episode was season two episode three. I totally forgot over the break that the king died and I was really freaking annoyed that I forgot because I had to go through that pain again. Eleanor will always be my favorite character, that's never going to end and I think Beck needs to take a step back and stop trying to tame my fiery little tiger. Don't get me wrong, I love Beck, but stop. Now. But it doesn't matter because they're taking time apart now. And their whole chat about her needing to drown everything out with the noise and him needing the quiet was so hard-hitting because, who hasn't felt like that?

LIAM I CANNOT BELIEVE YOU WENT TO NEW YORK TO SEE OPHELIA I'M SO MAD AT YOU I CAN'T EVEN CONTAIN IT. She's horrible for you, she moved on real quick, she changed her number just so she can't talk to YOU. Honestly, I hated Ophelia from the beginning, I knew she was going to hurt my baby Liam and it pissed me the fuck off. He just put himself through too much pain going to see her.

Well, those are the only things that happened that I really cared about. ALSO HAHHAHAHA CYRUS HAS TO GET HIS BALL CUT OFF HAHAHAHAA. Sorry, I really really don't like him and I think he really really deserves this.

Once Upon a Time

i told you dark hook would be sexy. creds: the hollywood reporter
Fine, fine, fine. I admit it. They MIGHT be over. Oh god I was crying for hours, I was in complete denial, they can't be over how could that ever happen and CAPTAINSWAN FOREVER. I had such hopes at the beginning when they were kissing and they were going to be the Dark OneS together and noooooooooooooooooo. I'm actually an emotional train wreck because of this show and whenever I talk about it with people they always say "Then stop watching it." CAN YOU FREAKING NOT!?!?!? (that was too much emphasis but I don't care). Regina was so good in this episode but Hook just repeatedly made me cry every time I saw him and it got badd. Although he did look realllllly sexy. Oh well. This is just like Draco Malfoy. I'm so not even sorry, it's ridiculous. I love Hook no matter what I'm a ridiculous person and i need to sit the eff down because if I were someone else, that's what I'd say. I'm a disaster.


This episode was really stressful because I totally thought Liv was going to find all his Zombie hunting things and his work and it scared me because LIV DOESN'T DESERVE THAT SHIT. And Ravi was really great in this episode and the stalker-ness was a yes yes yes it made the show so much better because, let's be honest, it was falling flat. But this episode re-intrigued me. I'm very terrified that the season finale will be everything bad coming out in the open and nothing finishing right and I absolutely cannot deal with that fact. There wasn't actually that much to say with this episode so, I'm done.

Well, those were the shows I watched this week. Also, the new Captain America: Civil War trailer?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??! STRESS. STRESS.


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