Thursday, December 3, 2015

I'm Really Boring After Awhile


I felt like my blog is going flat with all the Once, so I decided to get other people's opinions on books! I sent out a question to some friends and asked the question
"What is your favorite book that you’ve read as a teenager? Why?" and here are their responses with my short review of the book (if I've read it). (I'm the bullet points).

Katie Rusconi: The Harry Potter series.
  • I love Harry Potter honestly, I think that it has really made up who I am. I read those in probably second grade and they were read to me while in my mothers stomach so... yeah first books ever and best books ever. They are just genius and magical (pun not intended {jk}) and just really engaging to anyone of all ages.

Grace Donahue: lol…… I hate reading. The only book I’ve read that was not required by school was Better off Friends which was pretty good. I liked it because it was short and easy to read but it’s really cute!
  • I've never actually read that so kudos to her for reading I book I haven't #surprised.
Reede Nasser: Kinda still a tennager…. But I love Thirteen Reasons Why. I will always love Harry Potter or Divergent but the book doesn't sugar coat anything it stays real throughout the book and the emotions are derived from the author's own conscience. It makes you realize that those types of situations actually do happen.
  • Thirteen Reasons Why is actually fabulous, I read it in a day. I couldn't put it down it was just really gripping and really kept me on the edge of my seat. Really great book, highly recommend.

Sam Petersen: Teenager is a super broad term… I don’t really believe in having a favourite book, because everything is my favourite everything. I loVEEEE anything by Sophie Kinsella, but I read those before I was a teenager (you probably shouldn’t though HA). Those are absolutely fabulous, hilarious, real, and actually taught me a lot about… life? I don’t know, they’re amazing and absolutely great for adults and children who like adult books alike :) I also really love I’ll Give You The Sun for a billion reasons including the fact that it’s hilarious and sad at the same time and AAHHHH I have so many other ideas. John Green is always a classic. THE NIGHT CIRCUS IS GREAT TOO. OOOH AND DAVID LEVITHAN. Annie, you know you shouldn’t have sent me this question. I need to be doing trig.
  • Oops, never read Sophie Kinsella but I'm trying! I'll Give You The Sun is probably one of the most legit books I've ever read, it's one of those books that you think couldn't happen but then think again and realize it does. All the time. Everywhere. You see things all around you that you can relate to that book. John I really really want to read The Night Circus it sounds amazing! David Leviathan is great.
  • P.S. when Sam writes practically half your blog post for you ;D

Isaac Cortes – …
  • Thanks for the input there, buddy.

credz to sugarycynicism
Maya Levine: Ahh there are so many of them. Probably the Mortal Instruments series or It’s Kind Of A Funny Story. I love the plot of both of them so much and I guess I can just connect to the characters. Also anything by John Green (especially Will Grayson Will Grayson).

Sean Lydon: My favorite book is the dark lord of derkholm and a lot of books by the author Diana Wynne Jones and Night Circus as mentioned by Sam.

  • Oops, haven't read any of those... I HAVE AN EXTREMELY LONG TBR, OKAY?
Emma Strong-Conklin: This is rough, but out of the books I’ve had the time to read recently, one of my favorites has been We Were Liars by E. Lockhart. Made me cry. Also kind of ruined my life. Didn’t want to move for a week after finishing it. Made me very, very emotional. But it was worth it. It was an amazing book. Rate: 10/10. Would read.

  • I really, really, really, want to read that book so much it sounds amazing.
Ariel Johnson: Probably The Distance Between Us, it’s really good and I’ve read it like 4 times!

  • I've heard about this book briefly from YouTubers and things, but not too much praise. I'll look into it!
So, those are my friends and their favorite books, unsurprisingly I've read most of them and liked most of them! Definitely check out their blogs also, they're on my blog roll!


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