Friday, April 22, 2016



theres's me playing second and miss perfit playin short
from miss perfit's mom
YOU GUYS! It's softball season. And I'm on Park City High School Softball. This team didn't for three years... until Monday! The bad news is, it's unofficial. Fucking umps wouldn't show up. I hate everything. But I'm also super excited because we caN WiN. WE CAN WIIINNN. I really wish I had a photo of me playing but I don't. :'(. Well, not one of me actually doing anything. But yeah this was from our tournament in St. George. We nearly, nearly won. SO CLOSE. But then there was some baad calls and we lost. Damn. Oh well we've won now!

Here's the thing about softball; it's hardcore. REally hardcore. Our head coach was military raised and so legit, she plays women's football and fucking rocks. She's the best. She's hilarious and kind when she wants to be. But if she wants to get down to business, you get down to fucking business. Whether you like it or not. We also have the assistant coach Lupita and she's a sweetie with a temper and when she gets mad she gets down to it too. Then my mom's the other coach and she just stresses me out. But that's to be expected. But everyone else loves her. Loves. That's good. She is fucking amazing, if I do say so myself.

So we have a varsity and JV, and the I pitch on JV and I love it so much. I love pitching. The JV team is just a mess though. It really hurts to see them not trying very hard. But they're great when they want to be! We got a double play on Wednesday! We had short catch it and throw to second. It was great. I really like them. Our varsity could do so well, we just have some error problems and we're fixing it right now, we have a game today, and guess who's confident af???? ME. We got this shit! I have so much faith in this team and our cooperation skills. Also Minnie Perfit and Vane are actually my favorite because y'all are literally connected at the hip and y'all are just fucking hilarious. And turns out one of my best friend's sister is on my team and I like her a lot and now we can have a party. Okay now I'm talking about nothing I'm sorry. But yeah softball rocks a lot and so do my coaches and I'm improving so much and yes. Yes. Yes.

The other thing in life right now would be that there's so much to do and people are annoying and  my phone is dying and nothing is right except softball. There's so much school work to be done it huuurts. My family is the worrrrst. Not my siblings but others and it's driving me over the edge. And my fucking phone is freaking out because it has NO SCPACE LEFT. And the only thing I'm clinging to is friends and softball so yeah. Thanks inanimate sport! You're the brightest part of my life along with my friends.


Monday, April 11, 2016

Spring Break Reading??


Guess what? Guess. I ACTUALLY GOT TO READ OVER SPRING BREAK!!!! (!!!!) This is so huger because I literally have barely read anything since Christmas and it's the most ridiculous thing ever ever ever. But now I'm going to review the books I did read. Yay!

The Sky Is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson
This book was really good. It's a contemporary about a girl named Lennie who's sister has passed away and she is now coping with that. She has also become, very surprisingly, horny. So basically she makes out with her dead sisters boyfriend. Then starts dating a boy from orchestra (? idk music I'm close enough) and still kinda makes out with the dead sister's boyfriend and of course fucks everything up and blah blah blah. It's so great. It's a really great love story and a finding yourself story and I think it would help with grief too because she is really ripped apart by this death. I have read another book by Jandy Nelson called I'll Give You The Sun and it actually changed. my. life. So this book (The Sky Is Everywhere) is good, but not nearly as good as his other book. I recommend both, but as I said before;  I'll Give You The Sun changed my life.
i'm sorry to say this is not me, but my sister reading Miss Peregrine
before me. but i did take the cool photo. 

Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs
WOW THIS WORLD IS GREAT AND I NEED TO READ THE OTHERS AND THE MOVIE AND ASA BUTTERFIELD AND OHMYGOD OHMYGOD. Basically this book is about a boy named Jacob whose grandfather tells him stories about children who can do extraordinary things and eventually the boy becomes old enough to assume they're not real but then finds out they are. It's amazing and time travel and peculiarities and romance and adventure and yes. A yes from me. There is also a movie coming out fairly soon and literalLY ASA BUTTERFIELD IS PLAYING JACOB AND HE'S LITERALLY UH-MAY-ZING. AMAZING. But besides Asa they have fucked some shit uuUP. So the main female character in the books is Emma who controls fire and there is a minor character named Olive who controls air (not very well). The movie has decided to switch their peculiarities. THIS MAKES ME ANGRY. whY? WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT? GIVE ME ONE GODDAMN REASON? HUH? HUH? Whatever. Asa will probably make up for it. *sigh* smh.

Half-Blood by Jennifer L. Armentrout
These books are actually greek gods but a little different. The gods had offspring which are the purebloods who are greater beings than humans and can control one element (fire, air, water, earth), compulse anyone to do whatever they please, and are physically perfect. Children of pure(bloods) and mortals are called half-bloods and cannot control elements but are stronger than mortals and can see through illusions of some sort. The main character, Alex is a half and it's her journey through some tough shit. Really, go into this book not knowing anything. It worked for me and my mind is practically blown. It's also like a sixteen year-olds and up book. Hah basically swearing and sex are frequent. Oops. Definitely great and the main character is great and all of the other characters are great and it's friggen great. Jennifer L. Armentrout also wrote the Lux series about aliens from the planet Lux and Katy (said Katie) and Daemon (HONESTLY MY FAVORITE MALE CHARACTER EVER) and it's one of the best series eVeR. Just a little P.S.

So yeah. I READ. I'm very happy and now I can see the Miss Peregrine movie with no guilt and yay. Yay. So my overall ratings:

The Sky Is Everywhere: 85% the main character had some very annoying attributes. Like stupidity.
Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children: 90% the ending was ridiculously long.
Half-Bloods: 95% it is only the first in a 6 book series so I'll do more about how I feel on the whole series.



Saturday, April 9, 2016



I've been reading a ton lately and it's amazing, but I will get to that in another post because I need to write like three anyway so I'll do some I promise.

I'm almost finished with spring break and I'm sitting in my hotel room in Quito, Ecuador writing a blog post. When I should be sleeping. Jesus I'm depressing. *takes a sip of alcoholic drink* haha I'm completely kidding. I wouldn't drink and then tell the internet about it. But before Quito (sort of) I went to the Galapagos! It was really great. Sure, there were some kinks but guess who's surviving? ME! Isn't that unbelievable?

So first we flew into Quito, spent a day here, then flew to the Galapagos. Then we got on the yacht called The Comorant. It's a boat made for sixteen guest passengers and maybe that many or more crew. But basically we went to lunch on a turtle farm the first day and guess who showed up. Guess!

*pause for dramatic effect*

HARRISON FORD. Haha it was cool and I fucking hate people everyone was trying to sneak a photo and he was just trying to be on vacation. I mean, I obviously tried to but that's beside the point.
he's in the green baseball cap rIgHt ThErE. and his wife
on the left, the bodyguard in the sombrero, the guide on
the right, and the son in the blue nike shirt you can't
really see
His son, wife (who's also famous, Calista Flockhart), their bodyguard and their tourguide. Haha I hate myself for that photo it's not even funny.

But we saw all kinds of animals, too! Land turtles, sea turtles, land iguanas, sea iguanas, penguins (!!!), blue footed boobies (stop that's gross they're birds, asshole), red footed boobies, cormorants, pelicans, sea lions, finches, herons, rays, and so many fish that I couldn't name if my life depended on it. It was really cool. The Galapagos is one of the most biologically rare, diverse, and rich places on earth and, as my favorite botanist told me, "it's the shit." The natural way these islands have stayed has actually appalled me because we've ruined so much of our planet but in these tiny islands in the pacific it's as if we were never here. The National Park service is extremely strict in keeping it that way, too.

We went snorkeling very often and underwater is beautiful (the water was uh-maze-ing) and the
see, blue footed boobies. they were cool. also there's a
sea lion on the right and some cormorants on the left
plants were so full of life and the fish were vibrant and active and swimming right next to you. Same with sea turtles holy crap those were cool. They would come right under you and just kinda hang. I made friends. Some of the other people on my boat saw sharks (I didn't :'( I sad) but my mom was included and she saw it and went right on to the little boat haha she was so scared she was like "IT WAS HUGE AND IT WASN'T FAR BELOW ME AND IT WAS SO HUGE YOU GUYS GUYS gUyS" I found the whole ordeal pretty damn funny.

So I said above we were on a boat with other people (nine of them, six in my group). None of them were children (the youngest were my parents age) but they were some of the nicest people, the best people you could wish for on a trip like this. There was one lady who was crazy but also crazy nice and sweet. There was a jolly, funny guy who you could talk to about literally anything. And there was a genius college professor who was always intellectual. And those are just a few. I was really glad. Though, they were crazy. They went on hikes at 5:30 smh.

