Monday, April 11, 2016

Spring Break Reading??


Guess what? Guess. I ACTUALLY GOT TO READ OVER SPRING BREAK!!!! (!!!!) This is so huger because I literally have barely read anything since Christmas and it's the most ridiculous thing ever ever ever. But now I'm going to review the books I did read. Yay!

The Sky Is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson
This book was really good. It's a contemporary about a girl named Lennie who's sister has passed away and she is now coping with that. She has also become, very surprisingly, horny. So basically she makes out with her dead sisters boyfriend. Then starts dating a boy from orchestra (? idk music I'm close enough) and still kinda makes out with the dead sister's boyfriend and of course fucks everything up and blah blah blah. It's so great. It's a really great love story and a finding yourself story and I think it would help with grief too because she is really ripped apart by this death. I have read another book by Jandy Nelson called I'll Give You The Sun and it actually changed. my. life. So this book (The Sky Is Everywhere) is good, but not nearly as good as his other book. I recommend both, but as I said before;  I'll Give You The Sun changed my life.
i'm sorry to say this is not me, but my sister reading Miss Peregrine
before me. but i did take the cool photo. 

Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs
WOW THIS WORLD IS GREAT AND I NEED TO READ THE OTHERS AND THE MOVIE AND ASA BUTTERFIELD AND OHMYGOD OHMYGOD. Basically this book is about a boy named Jacob whose grandfather tells him stories about children who can do extraordinary things and eventually the boy becomes old enough to assume they're not real but then finds out they are. It's amazing and time travel and peculiarities and romance and adventure and yes. A yes from me. There is also a movie coming out fairly soon and literalLY ASA BUTTERFIELD IS PLAYING JACOB AND HE'S LITERALLY UH-MAY-ZING. AMAZING. But besides Asa they have fucked some shit uuUP. So the main female character in the books is Emma who controls fire and there is a minor character named Olive who controls air (not very well). The movie has decided to switch their peculiarities. THIS MAKES ME ANGRY. whY? WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT? GIVE ME ONE GODDAMN REASON? HUH? HUH? Whatever. Asa will probably make up for it. *sigh* smh.

Half-Blood by Jennifer L. Armentrout
These books are actually greek gods but a little different. The gods had offspring which are the purebloods who are greater beings than humans and can control one element (fire, air, water, earth), compulse anyone to do whatever they please, and are physically perfect. Children of pure(bloods) and mortals are called half-bloods and cannot control elements but are stronger than mortals and can see through illusions of some sort. The main character, Alex is a half and it's her journey through some tough shit. Really, go into this book not knowing anything. It worked for me and my mind is practically blown. It's also like a sixteen year-olds and up book. Hah basically swearing and sex are frequent. Oops. Definitely great and the main character is great and all of the other characters are great and it's friggen great. Jennifer L. Armentrout also wrote the Lux series about aliens from the planet Lux and Katy (said Katie) and Daemon (HONESTLY MY FAVORITE MALE CHARACTER EVER) and it's one of the best series eVeR. Just a little P.S.

So yeah. I READ. I'm very happy and now I can see the Miss Peregrine movie with no guilt and yay. Yay. So my overall ratings:

The Sky Is Everywhere: 85% the main character had some very annoying attributes. Like stupidity.
Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children: 90% the ending was ridiculously long.
Half-Bloods: 95% it is only the first in a 6 book series so I'll do more about how I feel on the whole series.



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