Monday, February 8, 2016

Pottermore -- Update


So, a while back I posted about pottermore, and all the changes it underwent. For example, got rid of the game aspect altogether. I'm still upset about that. BUT they just introduced a bunch of stuff that I plan on discussing throughout the post!

J.K.'s Writing- This is (probably) my favorite aspect of this new pottermore because she's been releasing them so much more and they're so good and so interesting. It makes me sad that some of this stuff wasn't in the books and that all the Harry Potter (books) fans HAVEN'T read these things. The biggest and most crushing example of this so far is The Quill of Acceptance and The Book of Attendance. If you haven't read this article go read it now. I think I'm going to write an entire post about it, actually. It's so interesting and I'm going to write about it in a later post so, yeah. It's so great reading from J.K. again, I miss it. WRITE MORE PLEASE PLEASE pLeAsE.

my new desktop background from pottermore
Sorting and Wand- Pottermore has just, just, added the sorting and wand aspects back into the site! This was very exciting. I could sing in again! Yay! I got to see my wand! I missed it. So much. I miss my cat though. Damnit. The coolest thing about this sorting, now I can click on Slytherin and it takes me to dozens of cool Slytherin articles, comics, pictures, excerpts, anything and it's really great. I also can (and have) download Slytherin backgrounds and photos. They make me very happy.

News- Specifically about Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them movie and Harry Potter and the Cursed Child play! If I see the play, my heart will actually break from excitement. I'm so excited. ITS A SEQUEL OMG WE GET MORE ON ALBUS (child not the disturbing ex-headmaster) AND HIS OTHER KIDS AND HARRY AND RON WITH JOBS AND I CAN'T. We get all kinds of news from trailers to casting to set design to makeup and costume design. It really gets you excited for upcoming events.

Wizarding Schools- Okay, technically this is from J.K.'s Writing, but it was too good for me not to write a separate section. There are eleven other wizarding schools around the world, and JK is releasing articles on the bigger ones, and holy SHIT they're so cool. Japan is definitely the coolest. When you first arrive at school you are provided robes that change color as your magical intelligence increases, starting with a pink and, if you get top scores in all your classes, finishing with gold. It gets better. If you were to perform an act of illegal (dark) magic, your robes turn white. To "turn white" is the utmost disgrace and you are immediately expelled and put on trial. SO SICK AND PRODUCTIVE. There's also the African one where they're famous for their spell-casting WITHOUT wands! IT S SO COOL. This also creates problems because people can claim they didn't mean to cast a rather nasty spell, i.e. "I didn't mean to give them a boner, I was just flipping my hair!"

Explore the Story- this is the area where the rest of it goes. The comics/explanation pictures, theories, deeper meanings, anything else. The best are the pictures they make of the number of mentions of a character and their first and last mentions, their traits, its beautiful. This is also where character profiles go, most include date of birth (and death if they're dead), their wand type, their heritage, their animagus, etc. It's beautiful and amazing and nearly makes up for the lack of gaming.

Pottermore has gotten so much better and I spend basically 24/7 on it because this friggen school blocks everything else! Yeah. It's fabulous and it makes my year!



  1. Hi - So reading about the fact that there will be a sequel for harry Potter made me cry on the inside (tears of joy, I promise) although Harry Potter was never my favorite series, and I was about 12 yrs behind the band wagon for starting the series, I still really enjoyed it (and it still feels like I grew up with it from a far due to the amount of advertising the movie franchise had. I have no idea what "The Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" but from what you think about it, I'll consider seeing the movie.
    - Olivia

  2. what if they were to make a prequel for Harry Potter??
