Monday, January 25, 2016


Dear Christine Riccio,

Hello! I know you don't read these, but I have to write to someone in the top of the field of fangirling so yeah. Basically you are goals and I love you and victory rolls and goals. You preach the absolute best in all of our universe and you rock at it. I love your book talks and how excited you are in them I love your games because you make them funny for you and us. I love all the other booktubers you invite to your channel because it creates different perspective. I love your bookhauls because you don't tell us too much or too little. I love the questions you ask authors and other celebrities you get to meet because you make them engaging.

too accurate from your channel
I remember when I was first introduced to you, I stayed up all night watching your videos and saying to myself, I want to be just like her. Her status is my goal in life. Now, that's changed only a little, but not much. You still complete a lot of my life. You are also fabulous at making predictions and theories and new ways the story could go.

I did try to make book videos once. My best friend and I tried really hard to make funny and interesting videos like yours, yet we failed. Miserably. We were only funny to ourselves and uploading our videos was not in our favor. You were 100% our inspiration, though.

Your Cassandra Clare videos are my absolute favorites. I love your theories especially the Isabelle theory (it's going to come out in The Dark Artifices I swear). I also love your book talks and your merchandise (the stuff you wear in your videos for Cassie videos) and just how dedicated you are to make us entertained and your commitment really inspires me, specifically in these videos.

I write my blog for you because you are the goals of the fangirl community. 267,140 subscribers on YouTube is goals. For you to put yourself out to that many people and have the amount of authors that you do come talk to you directly is what I'd like to achieve as a fangirl and reader. Going to the conventions and shows you get to go to. Getting the free books and merchandise you get. The amount of books you have. I secretly envy you because of your success, but that just pushes me harder.


Now I'm done talking to her because each of my posts is for her. I HAVE TO TALK ABOUT SHADOWHUNTERS. RIGHT NOW. I'm so excited man it's already going in a better direction and heading to better places and there are less horrible acting scenes. The special effects probably won't fix up for a while (if at all) but there are less dramatic ridiculous scenes, that's good. Ok, Simon and Camille? What the actual fuck? That was not a thing and it was disgusting. I was very uncomfortable with that happening. And Meliorn needed to be much more attractive. That hair man. Bleh. Gross. Then he and Izzy had full on sex! Again, NoT a ThInG. But the conquering the vampires scene was badass and exactly what I wanted. The scene with Jace teaching Clary the knife movements was pretty bad, but they are so... YEAH. VERY EXCITED ABOUT THE DIRECTION OF THIS SHOW.


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