Friday, October 30, 2015

iZombie and Dragging Grown Men

I supposed with wasn't men, plural. Just one. But I'll get into that later.

Okay, latest iZombie, 2x04, not blown away. I mean, we had beautiful Peyton/Liv and Major/Liv moments, but I kept getting bored. I ended up watching the episode about three times so that I could write even a slightly interesting blog post, but I can't. Peyton finally say Liv and they hugged and it was adorable. But there were no really funny or really sad moments so... That was fabulous! Liv kissed Major! Yay! Yay! We waited fucking forever for that. But besides that, nothing really important went down. Kinda disappointed.


So, as I've explained before, I'm a ski racer. Because of the lack of snow, we do drylands every day at Alpenfit gym. For those of you who don't know, drylands is a work out geared toward whatever sport you do, so we do squats, dead lifts, push pulls, power cleans, and conditioning-type-things. This week  has been one of the hardest weeks ever. On Monday, they took us jogging over the the ski hill, and made us run up and then down the race hill, twice. My shins hurt for days. And the worst part was, it was freezing, so your insides are on fire but your outside is blue.

Then on Tuesday we did anaerobic exercises, namely kettle bell swings, sit ups, squats, then burpees, for twenty seconds then ten seconds of rest. And ten seconds seems like a reasonable amount of time, when actually that's nothing. Nothing. So actually, we got no rest and all work. And all of that doesn't seem so hard, but then we had do each exercise eight times. That turns out to be 32 rounds of twenty-seconds-on-ten-seconds-off. Needless to say, I then took Wednesday off.

"get your fat ass off!" -chloe whalen. courtesy of the fitness armory
But I did go back to drylands on Thursday. It was great, at first. We talked for a little while about everything that's coming up, and then we did yoga. It was really hard, but it wasn't exhausting it just was really hard on my abs and now, standing up is the real struggle. Then, we did an exercise where we hop from a couple feet off the ground, and try not to wiggle. That was really great too, right? Not so hard? Yeah, get this.

We also have the conditioning component to drylands, correct? Yesterday we had to do the shuttle run and pull the sled five times. Now, for the shuttle run we just run ladder, you know when you run from start to ten feet then to start then to twenty, etc. That wasn't so bad. But the sled. This to the right is the sled. We also have a rope with loops on the end thought that little circle that a person wears like a backpack. Now, one person is wearing the straps to pull and the other is pushing with those two metal rods. For my partner and I we had a twenty-five pound and a thirty-five pound weight on each rod as seen in the photo. But then, he split us into teams of three and four. Luckily, I had four but we are the slightly less strong people on the team. We kept the weights with two people pushing and two pulling. Then, our coach, Brian, sat on it. So, yes we had to drag a grown man. Now, my shins hurt even more. Brian, you're lucky I nearly passed out, otherwise I would've socked you in the jaw. And more.

So, basically my week. And yes, I left the dragging the grown man part for last so you'd read until then because this is so boring! I'm sorry. Hopefully my pain is slightly entertaining? Funny? Whatever.

Okay, when your ship might die, you stress. A lot. Merida is horrible and obnoxious and Emma needs to stop. Oh, right, I'm now shortly talking about the new sneak peak for 5x06 of Once Upon a Time because god dammit.

That's it. I'm sorry it's so horrible. I just felt like talking about dragging grown men was a good time. Oops.


Tuesday, October 27, 2015



Okay so, I already explained the premise of Once Upon a Time in my last post Is CaPtAiN sWaN oVeR?!?!? if you'd like to check that out. From here on out, I'm talking all about the latest episode 5x05 "Dreamcatcher."

WARNING: SPOILERS AND MILD SWEARING (okay maybe not so mild).

NOPE. NOPE. NOPE. THIS WAS SUCH A PROBLEMATIC AND EMOTIONAL EPISODE. I mean, it was named "Dreamcatcher" what did I expect? Honestly, I cried so much more than I should have. At the beginning it was like, okay I'm prepared, there should be a Captain Swan moment that we can all really enjoy because for the past three seasons we've had big Captain Swan moments in episode five, but NO. Not one Captain Swan moment to be found. And I knew, I knew it would be all about Neil because dammit the dreamcatchers were their thing so, of course they became Emma's "hobby." They brought up Neil way to many times for it to be healthy for the fangirls because that is a wound that is still open and stinging. THIS WAS LEMON JUICE IN THE WOUND. Neil was so great and the echo cave was so beautiful and adorable and I MISS NEIL.

The whole Rumple thing is really starting to bug because Merida is always in the way of my ships at this point, that bitch sucks. She's obnoxious as hell, she is about to ruin Rumbelle forever, and she thinks she's better than Dark Swan. Like, stop. It's frustrating me to no end, I was totally expecting her to be gone after the first episode because she's not needed. Like take Killian's heart so there is some CAPTAIN SWAN PLEASE.

honestly the entire episode. Courtesy of GooglePlus
Alright, alright, alright, yes I was putting it off. I'm in school right now so I'm afraid I might start crying but... let's talk about Henry. I cannot believe that Emma 1. even thought to do that to Henry and 2. even though she did that, made Regina go through the pain of losing Daniel again. Like, how horrible can you get? I know you're the Dark One, but I see the light in you. Regina and Henry saw it. Yep, past tense. They now want NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU. You've now obliterated an entire part of your life and you barely care. I just wanted to give Henry huge hug and tell him that he doesn't need her, her being Emma or Violet. Violet bugs me to no end. She's all "Oh, Henry my horse ran away. Can you go find him? I'm just a useless girl that can't do anything on my own and I need a boy to do it for me. I'm only here to make Henry look better overall for the show because he's losing popularity." That's all I get from her so far. But Emma did rip her heart out, which won a teeny tiny bit of sympathy for her.

Overall, 10/10 episode because everything in the show was done beautifully and shows, books, movies are supposed to make you feel supreme emotion and this was amazingly done. Also Neil. Neil is worth 10/10 always.

Just really fast I'd also like to bring up the new promo? Yeah, OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD. Finally some Rumbelle but did it really have to be over a bear attack? Really? We get nothing for months and this?`AND EMMA ORDERED MERIDA BITCH TO KILL BELLE?!?!?!?!?? I'm terrified. I am not okay. Not okay.

Comment, let me know what you thought (?) I'll catch ya later.


Sunday, October 18, 2015

Is CaPtAiN sWaN oVeR?!?!?


I'm planning on talking about the new episodes of Once Upon a Time and iZombie today. I suppose I should explain the premise for those who don't watch the shows. Well, Once Upon a Time is about fairy tale characters. They have been cursed to our land, to a town called Storybrooke, Maine. The main characters are Emma Swan (daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming), Snow White, Prince Charming, Henry (Emma's son), Rumplestilskin, and the Evil Queen. Here's the catch: the fairy tale characters don't remember who they are. Snow White is now Mary Margaret, a school teacher. Prince Charming, David Nolan, is in a coma. Rumplestilskin, Mr. Gold, owns the town and is a pawn broker. Emma Swan is a bail-bonds person in New York when Henry finds her, after she gave him up ten years ago. He finds her, and he asks her to bring him home. She goes to Storybrooke and Henry tells her she's the Savior and she has to break this curse and restore everyone's memories. 

Now, iZombie. The main character, Olivia "Liv" Moore, is a heart doctor with a really attractive fiancé, Major. When Liv is invited to a boat party, Major makes her go and says "What's the worst that can happen?" You want to know what the worst that can happen is? Zombie. Apocalypse. That's right, a new drug being sold at the party was cut with something that created Zombieism. Liv gets infected. It's now five months after the party and she broke up with her fiancé because, turns out, Zombieism is an STD, and now works at the morgue to get her sustenance of brains. Her boss, Ravi, knows of her Zombieism, but no one else does, and Liv basically just spends her days doing nothing. Here's the thing, when you eat someone's brains you get their personality and some of their old memories. The "visions" of the memories are triggered when she sees, hears, and smells, something that the dead person had. She uses these to solve crime with the detective Babineaux. That's pronounced "Bab-in-o." It's really awesome and Liv is fabulous.


effin' adorable. courtesy of giphy
HOLY GOD NO: my reaction to the last episode of OUAT.  I was actually crying. I swear, if Captain Swan breaks up, my life will be a train wreck. I have shipped them every since Neil died. That's a very long time. And Hook is so great, I mean he started out as a begging puppy but, better. He did. Now he's amazing and beautiful and THEY CAN'T BREAK UP. Dark Swan is totally fabulous and badass though. And Regina is so great and it makes me sad that she feels unsupported. And Henry is getting so much better. So. Much. Better. ALSO LET'S KILL AUTHUR. I called it, too. I called it, I called it, I CaLlEd, IT. I just knew Arthur was evil. Have you seen the new sneak peak? He wants the dagger! Remember what the dagger and Excalibur together would do? Huh? OH YEAH SNUFF OUT THE LIGHT. I'm so stressed right now this is not okay. And Emma woke Rumple and she's going to force him to take out the sword and Arthur is ripping apart Snowing. And the whole thing with Charming and getting the mushroom I was just like, attention whore much? Latest OUAT episode: 7/10 minus three because Charming ruins everything. It bugged me so much. I'm so excited for next episode. Oh my god that's tomorrow. So. Far. Away.

Now for the newest iZombie. That was some of the funniest shit I've seen in a while. I'm mean, she's on frat boy brains! She wore a strapless dress made out of crime scene tape! She put makeup and sparkles on Ravi! She put the skeletons in a very sexual position. And there were some fabulous Liv/Major moments, like when he fell asleep on her lap, "I'm never going to let anything happen to you." It was so cute. After Lowell died they just needed to get back together. I'm still pissed that she healed him. So pissed. They would've had beautiful Zombie sex. And where the heck is Peyton?!? She just disappeared. What a great friend, am I right? Whatever. Latest iZombie episode: 9/10 minus one for Major being not very nice at the beginning and no Peyton.

Let me know what you thought about the latest episodes in the comments, or whatever you want do.


Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Why? Why!? WHY!?!?


How's life? Mine's chaotic and crazy and uncontrollable and I think I'm about to lose my mind. The homework load in ninth grade is so much more than in eighth. In eighth grade they were always saying "I'm only doing this to prepare you for high school." Yeah, well you did a pretty shitty job at it. I have about four and a half hours of homework every night. Last year I had more like two. this is beginning to get ridiculous. How to these teachers expect good grades and sometimes extra credit, if that's expected in five classes. Don't any of you teachers ever talk to each other about homework load and maybe not cause unhealthy stress on your students?

In a study taken at Xavier University, it says that teen suicides spike during school times. They drop off during the summer and longer breaks, then spike once school begins. Suicide has moved from being the third leading to the second leading cause of deaths among 15-24 year olds. Why does this not spark anything in our society? Does this not raise any flags for anyone but me? People always say that high school isn't the best. Cleary it's not! How come children are miserable all the time, I mean from my personal experiences 97% (yep, just made that up) of kids that I meet, hate school. I've met maybe five kids who like school at my age. I just don't understand why our school and education systems haven't changed. 

Honestly how I felt the entire time while reading All the Bright Places.
Courtesy of giphy
Well, that was unbelievably depressing, but I needed to get it out. Believe me I thought I would explode. Also, a book that has teen suicide that is literally one of the best books I've ever read in my All the Bright Places. It's about a boy and a girl who meet at the top of a bell tower and it's unclear who saves who. I read it this summer at camp, and it actually changed the way I look at teenagers these days. Also The Perks of Being a Wallflower is an eye opening movie with the topic of suicide involved.
life is

So back to how I think I'm losing my mind. I'm a ski racer, did I mention? Right now because there's no snow we have drylands training everyday. On Friday, the 9th, we had to do the Beep Test, or the Pacer Test. It hurt so bad. But only five out of fifteen of the kids on my team showed up. So my ski coach was pretty upset. So yesterday he made us do The Filthy Fifty which is when my coach picked ten exercises that we had to do 50 times each. In the end that meant five, HuNdReD, EXERCISES. Well, four hundred for me. I haven't really been saying this but I technically only had to do forty of each because I didn't go to dryland all summer and my coach didn't want me to die of exhaustion. BUT STILL THAT FOUR HUNDRED EXERCISES. I feel like I'm going to just fall on my face and pass out. Thanks, Brian, you suck. 

I'm so so sorry that I haven't been posting fandom stuff a lot lately, I've been in a reading slump. Back to the four hours of homework and the drylands everyday, I don't have much time. I'm so mad about it. But I have picked up a new TV Show, it's called iZombie and it's made by the same guy as Veronica Mars and it's so good. Season 2 just started and I'm bouncing, I'm so excited.

Thanks for letting me rant my guts out, jeez it was really bad today.


Friday, October 9, 2015



So, I know that I'd only really talk about books, movies, and TV shows but this is related, right? Oh well. Here, is my first rant on this blog. Oh man. Okay, I just recently completed the adventure part of the Pottermore website. You know, the part where you go through each chapter and moments within that chapter and find all kinds of random crap like galleons and Every Flavor Beans. So, I recently finished the whole series and was MAJORLY disappointed in how Goblet of Fire through Deathly Hallows was orchestrated. There were moments nearly every three chapters! That's so underwhelming! So, I began to complain about that to my family and friends (you know, casual), and then I got the newsletter that said more on those books were coming soon and I was like YES YES YES YES! 

I screenshotted this during biology
So I kept checking Pottermore and attempting to fully complete each moment (yes, it bugs me if the little gold bar isn't full) and then one day I was bored out of my mind in a certain class, so I went to Pottermore to attempt to entertain myself into staying awake and I enter Pottermore in the bar, and it went to this new, weird page about news in the Harry Potter world. At first I was like, hey this could be cool, a new opening page and stuff, and so I tried to go to my adventure page and look through the moments I need to complete AND IT'S GONE. Disappeared. Erased. All my hard work for almost two years, down the drain. What is going on with Pottermore? I mean, don't get me wrong I enjoy a lot of the articles they put up there. The best was the wand comic, holy funny. I almost died in that certain boring class. 

Back to the point. Is this now just another boring site where there's random new articles and newer information? Or is this temporary and they're actually working on those new moments and chapters? If so, very very excited I actually like Pottermore quite a bit. And I am a huge book and movie fan. I have all eight movie posters in my room and they're like four feet tall. 

I just don't really get why people don't like Pottermore like what's wrong with it? Can someone please explain this to me? OOH also comment what house you're in #slytherinandproud. 

Well. I got it out. Someone give me hope, someone research this for me? I'm too lazy and decide not to go to the next page on google. Oops. Whatever I love Harry Potter so so much. All the movies make me cry. My phone background is literally all sad moments from the movies as seen. I'm not even sorry if I made you cry. It makes me cry maybe every other day. ESPECIALLY the one with Harry and Lupin, I mean have you seen this meme?!? I almost just started crying in biology. Fabulous. 
unbelievably not sorry

Comment, follow, email, thanks!
