Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Why? Why!? WHY!?!?


How's life? Mine's chaotic and crazy and uncontrollable and I think I'm about to lose my mind. The homework load in ninth grade is so much more than in eighth. In eighth grade they were always saying "I'm only doing this to prepare you for high school." Yeah, well you did a pretty shitty job at it. I have about four and a half hours of homework every night. Last year I had more like two. this is beginning to get ridiculous. How to these teachers expect good grades and sometimes extra credit, if that's expected in five classes. Don't any of you teachers ever talk to each other about homework load and maybe not cause unhealthy stress on your students?

In a study taken at Xavier University, it says that teen suicides spike during school times. They drop off during the summer and longer breaks, then spike once school begins. Suicide has moved from being the third leading to the second leading cause of deaths among 15-24 year olds. Why does this not spark anything in our society? Does this not raise any flags for anyone but me? People always say that high school isn't the best. Cleary it's not! How come children are miserable all the time, I mean from my personal experiences 97% (yep, just made that up) of kids that I meet, hate school. I've met maybe five kids who like school at my age. I just don't understand why our school and education systems haven't changed. 

Honestly how I felt the entire time while reading All the Bright Places.
Courtesy of giphy
Well, that was unbelievably depressing, but I needed to get it out. Believe me I thought I would explode. Also, a book that has teen suicide that is literally one of the best books I've ever read in my All the Bright Places. It's about a boy and a girl who meet at the top of a bell tower and it's unclear who saves who. I read it this summer at camp, and it actually changed the way I look at teenagers these days. Also The Perks of Being a Wallflower is an eye opening movie with the topic of suicide involved.
life is

So back to how I think I'm losing my mind. I'm a ski racer, did I mention? Right now because there's no snow we have drylands training everyday. On Friday, the 9th, we had to do the Beep Test, or the Pacer Test. It hurt so bad. But only five out of fifteen of the kids on my team showed up. So my ski coach was pretty upset. So yesterday he made us do The Filthy Fifty which is when my coach picked ten exercises that we had to do 50 times each. In the end that meant five, HuNdReD, EXERCISES. Well, four hundred for me. I haven't really been saying this but I technically only had to do forty of each because I didn't go to dryland all summer and my coach didn't want me to die of exhaustion. BUT STILL THAT FOUR HUNDRED EXERCISES. I feel like I'm going to just fall on my face and pass out. Thanks, Brian, you suck. 

I'm so so sorry that I haven't been posting fandom stuff a lot lately, I've been in a reading slump. Back to the four hours of homework and the drylands everyday, I don't have much time. I'm so mad about it. But I have picked up a new TV Show, it's called iZombie and it's made by the same guy as Veronica Mars and it's so good. Season 2 just started and I'm bouncing, I'm so excited.

Thanks for letting me rant my guts out, jeez it was really bad today.


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