Tuesday, October 27, 2015



Okay so, I already explained the premise of Once Upon a Time in my last post Is CaPtAiN sWaN oVeR?!?!? if you'd like to check that out. From here on out, I'm talking all about the latest episode 5x05 "Dreamcatcher."

WARNING: SPOILERS AND MILD SWEARING (okay maybe not so mild).

NOPE. NOPE. NOPE. THIS WAS SUCH A PROBLEMATIC AND EMOTIONAL EPISODE. I mean, it was named "Dreamcatcher" what did I expect? Honestly, I cried so much more than I should have. At the beginning it was like, okay I'm prepared, there should be a Captain Swan moment that we can all really enjoy because for the past three seasons we've had big Captain Swan moments in episode five, but NO. Not one Captain Swan moment to be found. And I knew, I knew it would be all about Neil because dammit the dreamcatchers were their thing so, of course they became Emma's "hobby." They brought up Neil way to many times for it to be healthy for the fangirls because that is a wound that is still open and stinging. THIS WAS LEMON JUICE IN THE WOUND. Neil was so great and the echo cave was so beautiful and adorable and I MISS NEIL.

The whole Rumple thing is really starting to bug because Merida is always in the way of my ships at this point, that bitch sucks. She's obnoxious as hell, she is about to ruin Rumbelle forever, and she thinks she's better than Dark Swan. Like, stop. It's frustrating me to no end, I was totally expecting her to be gone after the first episode because she's not needed. Like take Killian's heart so there is some CAPTAIN SWAN PLEASE.

honestly the entire episode. Courtesy of GooglePlus
Alright, alright, alright, yes I was putting it off. I'm in school right now so I'm afraid I might start crying but... let's talk about Henry. I cannot believe that Emma 1. even thought to do that to Henry and 2. even though she did that, made Regina go through the pain of losing Daniel again. Like, how horrible can you get? I know you're the Dark One, but I see the light in you. Regina and Henry saw it. Yep, past tense. They now want NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU. You've now obliterated an entire part of your life and you barely care. I just wanted to give Henry huge hug and tell him that he doesn't need her, her being Emma or Violet. Violet bugs me to no end. She's all "Oh, Henry my horse ran away. Can you go find him? I'm just a useless girl that can't do anything on my own and I need a boy to do it for me. I'm only here to make Henry look better overall for the show because he's losing popularity." That's all I get from her so far. But Emma did rip her heart out, which won a teeny tiny bit of sympathy for her.

Overall, 10/10 episode because everything in the show was done beautifully and shows, books, movies are supposed to make you feel supreme emotion and this was amazingly done. Also Neil. Neil is worth 10/10 always.

Just really fast I'd also like to bring up the new promo? Yeah, OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD. Finally some Rumbelle but did it really have to be over a bear attack? Really? We get nothing for months and this?`AND EMMA ORDERED MERIDA BITCH TO KILL BELLE?!?!?!?!?? I'm terrified. I am not okay. Not okay.

Comment, let me know what you thought (?) I'll catch ya later.


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