Sunday, October 18, 2015

Is CaPtAiN sWaN oVeR?!?!?


I'm planning on talking about the new episodes of Once Upon a Time and iZombie today. I suppose I should explain the premise for those who don't watch the shows. Well, Once Upon a Time is about fairy tale characters. They have been cursed to our land, to a town called Storybrooke, Maine. The main characters are Emma Swan (daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming), Snow White, Prince Charming, Henry (Emma's son), Rumplestilskin, and the Evil Queen. Here's the catch: the fairy tale characters don't remember who they are. Snow White is now Mary Margaret, a school teacher. Prince Charming, David Nolan, is in a coma. Rumplestilskin, Mr. Gold, owns the town and is a pawn broker. Emma Swan is a bail-bonds person in New York when Henry finds her, after she gave him up ten years ago. He finds her, and he asks her to bring him home. She goes to Storybrooke and Henry tells her she's the Savior and she has to break this curse and restore everyone's memories. 

Now, iZombie. The main character, Olivia "Liv" Moore, is a heart doctor with a really attractive fiancé, Major. When Liv is invited to a boat party, Major makes her go and says "What's the worst that can happen?" You want to know what the worst that can happen is? Zombie. Apocalypse. That's right, a new drug being sold at the party was cut with something that created Zombieism. Liv gets infected. It's now five months after the party and she broke up with her fiancé because, turns out, Zombieism is an STD, and now works at the morgue to get her sustenance of brains. Her boss, Ravi, knows of her Zombieism, but no one else does, and Liv basically just spends her days doing nothing. Here's the thing, when you eat someone's brains you get their personality and some of their old memories. The "visions" of the memories are triggered when she sees, hears, and smells, something that the dead person had. She uses these to solve crime with the detective Babineaux. That's pronounced "Bab-in-o." It's really awesome and Liv is fabulous.


effin' adorable. courtesy of giphy
HOLY GOD NO: my reaction to the last episode of OUAT.  I was actually crying. I swear, if Captain Swan breaks up, my life will be a train wreck. I have shipped them every since Neil died. That's a very long time. And Hook is so great, I mean he started out as a begging puppy but, better. He did. Now he's amazing and beautiful and THEY CAN'T BREAK UP. Dark Swan is totally fabulous and badass though. And Regina is so great and it makes me sad that she feels unsupported. And Henry is getting so much better. So. Much. Better. ALSO LET'S KILL AUTHUR. I called it, too. I called it, I called it, I CaLlEd, IT. I just knew Arthur was evil. Have you seen the new sneak peak? He wants the dagger! Remember what the dagger and Excalibur together would do? Huh? OH YEAH SNUFF OUT THE LIGHT. I'm so stressed right now this is not okay. And Emma woke Rumple and she's going to force him to take out the sword and Arthur is ripping apart Snowing. And the whole thing with Charming and getting the mushroom I was just like, attention whore much? Latest OUAT episode: 7/10 minus three because Charming ruins everything. It bugged me so much. I'm so excited for next episode. Oh my god that's tomorrow. So. Far. Away.

Now for the newest iZombie. That was some of the funniest shit I've seen in a while. I'm mean, she's on frat boy brains! She wore a strapless dress made out of crime scene tape! She put makeup and sparkles on Ravi! She put the skeletons in a very sexual position. And there were some fabulous Liv/Major moments, like when he fell asleep on her lap, "I'm never going to let anything happen to you." It was so cute. After Lowell died they just needed to get back together. I'm still pissed that she healed him. So pissed. They would've had beautiful Zombie sex. And where the heck is Peyton?!? She just disappeared. What a great friend, am I right? Whatever. Latest iZombie episode: 9/10 minus one for Major being not very nice at the beginning and no Peyton.

Let me know what you thought about the latest episodes in the comments, or whatever you want do.


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