Friday, January 8, 2016



Finally I get to talk about Winter! This book was fan-fucking-tastic and it's the wrap-up of The Lunar Chronicles series, and this series is multiple fairytales told in a futuristic sic-fi genre. The first was Cinder, obviously Cinderella, the second was Scarlet, Little Red Riding Hood, the third was Cress, Rapunzel, and the final book was Winter, or Snow White. The final book takes place nearly the entire time on the moon and since it's the fourth book, I don't have much for non-spoilers.

not that kind of winter, dumbass courtesy of dreamatico

THIS BOOK WAS SO GOOD 10/10 WOULD BAND GOOD SO FANTASTIC AND A WONDERFUL CONCLUSION TO THIS 9/10 SERIES. That little -1 rate was for Scarlet, she still pisses me off to no end. Along with Wolf. But they are very overpowered in this series so, I think the last book was 10/10 because they were very minor while the characters I do like were much more major (ha three m's). Cinder was so badass and this book just kept me right on the edge of my seat the entire book. Cinder saved everyone and that final battle. Was so. Well. Written. Tears were worse than waterfalls down my face, I was just a mess and then Cress and Scarlet (idiot) and Wolf and it was just a disaster but they made it. I was unbelievably curious about what happened to Winter after the episode and if she's ever going to wake up from this "coma" and how Jacin is ever going to survive.

One of my absolute favorite parts was when Cinder and Jacin were taking the antidotes to that sector in the car-type-thing and they get into the garage and Cinder is preparing to get out of the car and Jacin just goes toward the stairs and Cinder just goes "No, Jacin, no, we can't fit, Jacin, don't if we break this car, Jacin stop, JACIN!" but they fit. and its bumpy but hilarious and they save all those people (little smiling, blushing emoji here). It was cute and funny and made me smile like an idiot. KAI AND CINDER WERE BARELY TOGETHER THE WHOLE BOOK WHICH MADE ME VERY UPSET. But when they were together it mAdE mY lIfE wHoLe. Also, I know, Levana is a bitch and a horrible person but I think she's kinda funny because she's just ridiculous and if you've read Fairest, you get it, she believes everything she's doing is right and justified and I find it comical in a very inappropriate way. Oh well. I'm insane so...

I'm a little disappointed on the lack of... physicality we got to read about the relationships. In other words, THERE WAS NO SEX. None and I am throughly disappointed. I'd also love to see Cinder and Kai totally get it on and her hard drive over heat because they are So DaMn HOT. And Cress and Thorne's make out scene was pretty good but I think Marissa can do better. A lot better. Also, we never find anyone for Iko which makes me sad. She's kind of alone. Just swooning over Throne who loves Cress. Whatever. FINE. Whatever. I'm way too emotionally attached to everyone in this series.

Ok I'm done talking about Winter. Not like I'm annoyed I just have nothing else to say. BUT GUYS GUYS GUYS SHADOWHUNTERS COMES OUT IN FOUR DAYS FOUR FUCKING DAYS GUYS. SO FUCKING EXCITED.


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