Saturday, May 14, 2016

Bookshelf MADNESS


i mean, look at how beautiful
Can we talk about book shelf organizing? I love organizing book shelves. I love it. I've done mine by color, author, genre, publisher, height, title, literally anything. It makes me so happy to just change my view of my books. I look at them all day, after all. My bookshelf is by far my most valued \\  which makes it that much more intriguing because I cover judge a lot and I guess what books area but before I've read them and I'm most likely terribly wrong. But it's okay! Because it's my bookshelf! I love my bookshelf so much. I also like putting little trinkets on my self like cameras, ornaments, stuffed animals, and other things because it makes it THAT much more interesting! My cameras especially because I love the aesthetic of cameras way too much. WAYYYY too much.
possession(s?). And now I have books on it I haven't even read //thanks high school

After I reorganized my bookshelf, I then post about it on snapchat or Instagram which brings me to my next topic today: Instagram. I'm insanely surprised I haven't done a post about this yet, but here I am. So I have three Instagram accounts, my personal, a fangirl, and a Once Upon a Time account. My fangirl is the most popular with 1603 followers, 2813 following, and 3737 posts. Yep, those numbers are correct. I started it almost more than two years ago and it makes me so happy because I can say whatever the hell I'd like because it's anonymous. And yeah everyone always says "it's never really anonymous" but I've only posted my first name there, and that's it. The rest is my opinions. This account is my outlet to be and do whatever I want and sure, I mostly post about Harry Potter because who wouldn't. But I also post about issues in the world, other books, and other TV shows and people accept me for who I am and what I want to post. This account is ht most amazing example of how social media is good for this world. It's helped me a lot through the last few years with getting some of my anger and frustration out because I can just rant about it on there. Social media is not always bad!!!!

Also, I can now do whatever the fuck I'd like on here.


Friday, April 22, 2016



theres's me playing second and miss perfit playin short
from miss perfit's mom
YOU GUYS! It's softball season. And I'm on Park City High School Softball. This team didn't for three years... until Monday! The bad news is, it's unofficial. Fucking umps wouldn't show up. I hate everything. But I'm also super excited because we caN WiN. WE CAN WIIINNN. I really wish I had a photo of me playing but I don't. :'(. Well, not one of me actually doing anything. But yeah this was from our tournament in St. George. We nearly, nearly won. SO CLOSE. But then there was some baad calls and we lost. Damn. Oh well we've won now!

Here's the thing about softball; it's hardcore. REally hardcore. Our head coach was military raised and so legit, she plays women's football and fucking rocks. She's the best. She's hilarious and kind when she wants to be. But if she wants to get down to business, you get down to fucking business. Whether you like it or not. We also have the assistant coach Lupita and she's a sweetie with a temper and when she gets mad she gets down to it too. Then my mom's the other coach and she just stresses me out. But that's to be expected. But everyone else loves her. Loves. That's good. She is fucking amazing, if I do say so myself.

So we have a varsity and JV, and the I pitch on JV and I love it so much. I love pitching. The JV team is just a mess though. It really hurts to see them not trying very hard. But they're great when they want to be! We got a double play on Wednesday! We had short catch it and throw to second. It was great. I really like them. Our varsity could do so well, we just have some error problems and we're fixing it right now, we have a game today, and guess who's confident af???? ME. We got this shit! I have so much faith in this team and our cooperation skills. Also Minnie Perfit and Vane are actually my favorite because y'all are literally connected at the hip and y'all are just fucking hilarious. And turns out one of my best friend's sister is on my team and I like her a lot and now we can have a party. Okay now I'm talking about nothing I'm sorry. But yeah softball rocks a lot and so do my coaches and I'm improving so much and yes. Yes. Yes.

The other thing in life right now would be that there's so much to do and people are annoying and  my phone is dying and nothing is right except softball. There's so much school work to be done it huuurts. My family is the worrrrst. Not my siblings but others and it's driving me over the edge. And my fucking phone is freaking out because it has NO SCPACE LEFT. And the only thing I'm clinging to is friends and softball so yeah. Thanks inanimate sport! You're the brightest part of my life along with my friends.


Monday, April 11, 2016

Spring Break Reading??


Guess what? Guess. I ACTUALLY GOT TO READ OVER SPRING BREAK!!!! (!!!!) This is so huger because I literally have barely read anything since Christmas and it's the most ridiculous thing ever ever ever. But now I'm going to review the books I did read. Yay!

The Sky Is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson
This book was really good. It's a contemporary about a girl named Lennie who's sister has passed away and she is now coping with that. She has also become, very surprisingly, horny. So basically she makes out with her dead sisters boyfriend. Then starts dating a boy from orchestra (? idk music I'm close enough) and still kinda makes out with the dead sister's boyfriend and of course fucks everything up and blah blah blah. It's so great. It's a really great love story and a finding yourself story and I think it would help with grief too because she is really ripped apart by this death. I have read another book by Jandy Nelson called I'll Give You The Sun and it actually changed. my. life. So this book (The Sky Is Everywhere) is good, but not nearly as good as his other book. I recommend both, but as I said before;  I'll Give You The Sun changed my life.
i'm sorry to say this is not me, but my sister reading Miss Peregrine
before me. but i did take the cool photo. 

Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs
WOW THIS WORLD IS GREAT AND I NEED TO READ THE OTHERS AND THE MOVIE AND ASA BUTTERFIELD AND OHMYGOD OHMYGOD. Basically this book is about a boy named Jacob whose grandfather tells him stories about children who can do extraordinary things and eventually the boy becomes old enough to assume they're not real but then finds out they are. It's amazing and time travel and peculiarities and romance and adventure and yes. A yes from me. There is also a movie coming out fairly soon and literalLY ASA BUTTERFIELD IS PLAYING JACOB AND HE'S LITERALLY UH-MAY-ZING. AMAZING. But besides Asa they have fucked some shit uuUP. So the main female character in the books is Emma who controls fire and there is a minor character named Olive who controls air (not very well). The movie has decided to switch their peculiarities. THIS MAKES ME ANGRY. whY? WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT? GIVE ME ONE GODDAMN REASON? HUH? HUH? Whatever. Asa will probably make up for it. *sigh* smh.

Half-Blood by Jennifer L. Armentrout
These books are actually greek gods but a little different. The gods had offspring which are the purebloods who are greater beings than humans and can control one element (fire, air, water, earth), compulse anyone to do whatever they please, and are physically perfect. Children of pure(bloods) and mortals are called half-bloods and cannot control elements but are stronger than mortals and can see through illusions of some sort. The main character, Alex is a half and it's her journey through some tough shit. Really, go into this book not knowing anything. It worked for me and my mind is practically blown. It's also like a sixteen year-olds and up book. Hah basically swearing and sex are frequent. Oops. Definitely great and the main character is great and all of the other characters are great and it's friggen great. Jennifer L. Armentrout also wrote the Lux series about aliens from the planet Lux and Katy (said Katie) and Daemon (HONESTLY MY FAVORITE MALE CHARACTER EVER) and it's one of the best series eVeR. Just a little P.S.

So yeah. I READ. I'm very happy and now I can see the Miss Peregrine movie with no guilt and yay. Yay. So my overall ratings:

The Sky Is Everywhere: 85% the main character had some very annoying attributes. Like stupidity.
Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children: 90% the ending was ridiculously long.
Half-Bloods: 95% it is only the first in a 6 book series so I'll do more about how I feel on the whole series.



Saturday, April 9, 2016



I've been reading a ton lately and it's amazing, but I will get to that in another post because I need to write like three anyway so I'll do some I promise.

I'm almost finished with spring break and I'm sitting in my hotel room in Quito, Ecuador writing a blog post. When I should be sleeping. Jesus I'm depressing. *takes a sip of alcoholic drink* haha I'm completely kidding. I wouldn't drink and then tell the internet about it. But before Quito (sort of) I went to the Galapagos! It was really great. Sure, there were some kinks but guess who's surviving? ME! Isn't that unbelievable?

So first we flew into Quito, spent a day here, then flew to the Galapagos. Then we got on the yacht called The Comorant. It's a boat made for sixteen guest passengers and maybe that many or more crew. But basically we went to lunch on a turtle farm the first day and guess who showed up. Guess!

*pause for dramatic effect*

HARRISON FORD. Haha it was cool and I fucking hate people everyone was trying to sneak a photo and he was just trying to be on vacation. I mean, I obviously tried to but that's beside the point.
he's in the green baseball cap rIgHt ThErE. and his wife
on the left, the bodyguard in the sombrero, the guide on
the right, and the son in the blue nike shirt you can't
really see
His son, wife (who's also famous, Calista Flockhart), their bodyguard and their tourguide. Haha I hate myself for that photo it's not even funny.

But we saw all kinds of animals, too! Land turtles, sea turtles, land iguanas, sea iguanas, penguins (!!!), blue footed boobies (stop that's gross they're birds, asshole), red footed boobies, cormorants, pelicans, sea lions, finches, herons, rays, and so many fish that I couldn't name if my life depended on it. It was really cool. The Galapagos is one of the most biologically rare, diverse, and rich places on earth and, as my favorite botanist told me, "it's the shit." The natural way these islands have stayed has actually appalled me because we've ruined so much of our planet but in these tiny islands in the pacific it's as if we were never here. The National Park service is extremely strict in keeping it that way, too.

We went snorkeling very often and underwater is beautiful (the water was uh-maze-ing) and the
see, blue footed boobies. they were cool. also there's a
sea lion on the right and some cormorants on the left
plants were so full of life and the fish were vibrant and active and swimming right next to you. Same with sea turtles holy crap those were cool. They would come right under you and just kinda hang. I made friends. Some of the other people on my boat saw sharks (I didn't :'( I sad) but my mom was included and she saw it and went right on to the little boat haha she was so scared she was like "IT WAS HUGE AND IT WASN'T FAR BELOW ME AND IT WAS SO HUGE YOU GUYS GUYS gUyS" I found the whole ordeal pretty damn funny.

So I said above we were on a boat with other people (nine of them, six in my group). None of them were children (the youngest were my parents age) but they were some of the nicest people, the best people you could wish for on a trip like this. There was one lady who was crazy but also crazy nice and sweet. There was a jolly, funny guy who you could talk to about literally anything. And there was a genius college professor who was always intellectual. And those are just a few. I was really glad. Though, they were crazy. They went on hikes at 5:30 smh.



Friday, March 4, 2016

Pain and Suffering


How are you? Good? Yeah, not me. Guess what started this week? Softball tryouts! Yay! No that is actually a good thing, but here's the bad part: LESS READING TIME. IF THAT'S EVEN POSSIBLE. Literally I haven't read anything other than Pride and Prejudice (for English class) and my AP Human Geography textbook. It's depressing. I haven't been watching shows either. I have nothing. It's pretty awful. Fictional characters are practically no longer in my life. All I have time for is barely ten minutes of going through Instagram and, if I'm lucky, hang out in a Harry Potter related tag. Specifically Drarry, but that's just me. I want to cry all the time. I think it's because fandoms are slightly fading out because high school decided to be a BITCH. YEAH, THANKS A LOT PARK CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT. ALSO THE AMERICAN SCHOOL SYSTEM IN GENERAL. I just wanna cry and get so dehydrated I have to be rushed to the hospital so I can get excused from school. That's how desperate I am to read more. You probably thing I'm joking right now, believe me, I'm 100% not.

Back to softball really quickly. Besides the fact I can't read anymore, I also can't move. Softball is a very different sport from skiing so there are vastly different muscles used. I can't move my legs. Or my shoulders. Or my hips. At all. Bending over? hahah that's funny. Reaching across the table? yeah, give that a try! Sitting down and standing up? may as well attempt to jump into space. It's horrible. And it sounds like I'm just miserable doing softball but I lost the sport so much. Sure, it hurts but it's so much fun. And all the girls are super awesome. It's actually worth it to limp around school to go to softball, honestly. The only thing that makes me slightly regret it is the whole reading and fandom life thing. But I love softball so, oh well.

I am also very sick. Stuffy nose, huge tonsils, insane cough, sneezing uncontrollable sick. And of course I get sick the week of tryouts, right? OF FUCKING COURSE. So yeah, that makes me even more miserable. And getting the weird looks in the hallway for how I walk isn't great either. I'm also exhausted which is why I don't stay up even later after finishing my seventeen pages of Pride and
the accuracy is realll from crossfitBrit
Prejudice, which I'm not saying is a bad book, it's just not on my TBR and because it's for school it sort of sucks the life out of it. I hate to say that because it makes me annoying, but it's just true. If you have to read a book in a certain time period then do a project on it, it sucks a lot more than it would. So back to my being sick, I sleep more than usual which is an upside and a downside because when I go to sleep is normally when I read for another hour or two. It sucks! I hate being sick.

Basically you can't even call me a fangirl right now because I'm in practically no fandoms because I don't do anything that doesn't take place at or for school. Which is just going to be the story of my life, right? Right. Great. Everything is fucking great.


Sunday, February 28, 2016



So you saw my title, yes? I'll get into why.

Many of The Mortal Instrument's fans have heard that Cassandra Clare wrote Shadowhunter's Academy and it's the story of Simon and the leading up to ascension. It was so much more than that. We get some Emma and Julian, some Tessa and Will, some James Herondale, MALEC OMG OMG OMG Okay I'm getting spoilery just go read them and I highly highly recommend the audio books, they are so great.


WHY DID YOU HAVE TO END THIS WHY CASSIE? WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT? IT'S JUST MEAN. JUST MEEEAAANNNN. I hate you. I don't, but I do. George was BAE why would you kill him? He was cute and funny and smart and I just don't understand. I really don't. It makes me want to cry a lot. A lot a lot. George was so cute. I loved his accent and his demeanor. I honestly don't understand why he wasn't strong enough. And now because of all this, Simon is broken. You fucking broke Simon. I can't even.

harry and kat aaahhhh from shadowhunterstv
MALEC MALEC MALEC MALEC. I'm so fucking excited to see more of Malec in Lady Midnight because I swear if we don't, I'm going to jump off a bridge. I swear. THEY NAMED HIM MAX. I WANT TO CRY. AND HE'S BLUE AND ADORABLE. And the ENTIRE scene where the Lightwoods originally come to the academy to baby proof and talk about names made me the happiest person. When Magnus first walked in though, and he saw Clary, and I don't remember the exact line but he said something about him always enjoying her presence. Then she bounced over to him and they relationship is the absolute best because i don't even know but I just imagine him holding her as she's sobbing g because of a fight with Jace because she wouldn't go to Simon because he'd beat Jace to smithereens but Magnus would just sit there and hold her and god I just can't explain it because it's so cute. "Magnus was always pleased to see Clary. 'Hello, Biscuit,' he said. Clary sidled over to the doorway and grinned up at him, a thousand gallons of troubled in a pint sized body. "Hi.'" ITS SO CUTE. SO CUTE.

PARABATAI YUS. I'm so pumped because now I know more about how the parabatai ceremony and things work, and holy shIT. Now, I just look at people who are good friends and decide if they're close enough to be parabatai or not and it's so beautiful. I can't even begin to understand why we didn't get this in the books orginially because it's so beautiful and wonderful and Simon and Clary and uuughghh. It's so beautiful and Simon and Clary are gonna be parabatai and Simon all broken so still FUCK YOU CASSANDRA.

Catarina is fucking fabulous. She's so badass and she's everything I imagined her to be from The Bane Chronicles and more. Her little relationship with Simone throughout the story was beautiful. Right after George, it was her to grab Simon's shoulder. Her. OHMYGOD SO CUTE. I can't even handle it.

This book is an amazing example of why I read. It. Makes. Me. So. Happy. SO. HAPPY.


Monday, February 8, 2016

Best Ending Ever... Or, It Would've Been.


Today most of this post will be a iMessage conversation between me and a close friend whom I will call Hermione for their privacy.

Sheiny- (with a picture of The Quill of Acceptance and The Book of Admittance article)
hermione and my 8th
grade graduation
Hermione- WHAAT





Hermione- YES


S- I'm so unsurprised that Neville was doubted to be a wizard until he was eight (laughing emoji) BUT COULDVE BEEN A FANTASTIC ENDING LIKE THE THREE LOOKING AT THE FUTURE LITERALLY



And then some theories of ours that I'll get back to. If you haven't read the article linked above, go do so now so that you'll be in the loop.

This is the coolest concept because this is making the future. It's writing exactly who's coming to the school in eleven years and that is just mind blowing to me. And it makes me really sad that not every Harry Potter fan out there has read this article because it's such an interesting topic. It's so cool. I just want a series where someone figures out how it works because I'd like to know. Also Neville, you're so cute. I love you.

Hermione and I also came up with some fantasies about how this book could work.



(then we just expressed how annoyed we were again)

H- cough cough harry and dracos names being next to each other \


And then we began talking about the 5th Wave move. Still gotta read it. And then see it. Even though everyone hated it. But honestly this friggen idea makes me so happy and J.K., I don't get disappointed in you nearly ever but right now if I could send you to be without supper I would. I'm pissed off this idea is so cool. I just don't understand why this is a thing. Why would you so that. WHYYYY!?!?!??!

Oh well. I'm in a reading slump. I have no new books EXCEPT ONE WHICH ILL WRITE ANOTHER POST ABOUT. But besides that I really haven't been reading because HIGH SCHOOL'S A BITCH.

Yeah. I'm boring. Oh well. Have a nice day!


Pottermore -- Update


So, a while back I posted about pottermore, and all the changes it underwent. For example, got rid of the game aspect altogether. I'm still upset about that. BUT they just introduced a bunch of stuff that I plan on discussing throughout the post!

J.K.'s Writing- This is (probably) my favorite aspect of this new pottermore because she's been releasing them so much more and they're so good and so interesting. It makes me sad that some of this stuff wasn't in the books and that all the Harry Potter (books) fans HAVEN'T read these things. The biggest and most crushing example of this so far is The Quill of Acceptance and The Book of Attendance. If you haven't read this article go read it now. I think I'm going to write an entire post about it, actually. It's so interesting and I'm going to write about it in a later post so, yeah. It's so great reading from J.K. again, I miss it. WRITE MORE PLEASE PLEASE pLeAsE.

my new desktop background from pottermore
Sorting and Wand- Pottermore has just, just, added the sorting and wand aspects back into the site! This was very exciting. I could sing in again! Yay! I got to see my wand! I missed it. So much. I miss my cat though. Damnit. The coolest thing about this sorting, now I can click on Slytherin and it takes me to dozens of cool Slytherin articles, comics, pictures, excerpts, anything and it's really great. I also can (and have) download Slytherin backgrounds and photos. They make me very happy.

News- Specifically about Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them movie and Harry Potter and the Cursed Child play! If I see the play, my heart will actually break from excitement. I'm so excited. ITS A SEQUEL OMG WE GET MORE ON ALBUS (child not the disturbing ex-headmaster) AND HIS OTHER KIDS AND HARRY AND RON WITH JOBS AND I CAN'T. We get all kinds of news from trailers to casting to set design to makeup and costume design. It really gets you excited for upcoming events.

Wizarding Schools- Okay, technically this is from J.K.'s Writing, but it was too good for me not to write a separate section. There are eleven other wizarding schools around the world, and JK is releasing articles on the bigger ones, and holy SHIT they're so cool. Japan is definitely the coolest. When you first arrive at school you are provided robes that change color as your magical intelligence increases, starting with a pink and, if you get top scores in all your classes, finishing with gold. It gets better. If you were to perform an act of illegal (dark) magic, your robes turn white. To "turn white" is the utmost disgrace and you are immediately expelled and put on trial. SO SICK AND PRODUCTIVE. There's also the African one where they're famous for their spell-casting WITHOUT wands! IT S SO COOL. This also creates problems because people can claim they didn't mean to cast a rather nasty spell, i.e. "I didn't mean to give them a boner, I was just flipping my hair!"

Explore the Story- this is the area where the rest of it goes. The comics/explanation pictures, theories, deeper meanings, anything else. The best are the pictures they make of the number of mentions of a character and their first and last mentions, their traits, its beautiful. This is also where character profiles go, most include date of birth (and death if they're dead), their wand type, their heritage, their animagus, etc. It's beautiful and amazing and nearly makes up for the lack of gaming.

Pottermore has gotten so much better and I spend basically 24/7 on it because this friggen school blocks everything else! Yeah. It's fabulous and it makes my year!


Monday, January 25, 2016


Dear Christine Riccio,

Hello! I know you don't read these, but I have to write to someone in the top of the field of fangirling so yeah. Basically you are goals and I love you and victory rolls and goals. You preach the absolute best in all of our universe and you rock at it. I love your book talks and how excited you are in them I love your games because you make them funny for you and us. I love all the other booktubers you invite to your channel because it creates different perspective. I love your bookhauls because you don't tell us too much or too little. I love the questions you ask authors and other celebrities you get to meet because you make them engaging.

too accurate from your channel
I remember when I was first introduced to you, I stayed up all night watching your videos and saying to myself, I want to be just like her. Her status is my goal in life. Now, that's changed only a little, but not much. You still complete a lot of my life. You are also fabulous at making predictions and theories and new ways the story could go.

I did try to make book videos once. My best friend and I tried really hard to make funny and interesting videos like yours, yet we failed. Miserably. We were only funny to ourselves and uploading our videos was not in our favor. You were 100% our inspiration, though.

Your Cassandra Clare videos are my absolute favorites. I love your theories especially the Isabelle theory (it's going to come out in The Dark Artifices I swear). I also love your book talks and your merchandise (the stuff you wear in your videos for Cassie videos) and just how dedicated you are to make us entertained and your commitment really inspires me, specifically in these videos.

I write my blog for you because you are the goals of the fangirl community. 267,140 subscribers on YouTube is goals. For you to put yourself out to that many people and have the amount of authors that you do come talk to you directly is what I'd like to achieve as a fangirl and reader. Going to the conventions and shows you get to go to. Getting the free books and merchandise you get. The amount of books you have. I secretly envy you because of your success, but that just pushes me harder.


Now I'm done talking to her because each of my posts is for her. I HAVE TO TALK ABOUT SHADOWHUNTERS. RIGHT NOW. I'm so excited man it's already going in a better direction and heading to better places and there are less horrible acting scenes. The special effects probably won't fix up for a while (if at all) but there are less dramatic ridiculous scenes, that's good. Ok, Simon and Camille? What the actual fuck? That was not a thing and it was disgusting. I was very uncomfortable with that happening. And Meliorn needed to be much more attractive. That hair man. Bleh. Gross. Then he and Izzy had full on sex! Again, NoT a ThInG. But the conquering the vampires scene was badass and exactly what I wanted. The scene with Jace teaching Clary the knife movements was pretty bad, but they are so... YEAH. VERY EXCITED ABOUT THE DIRECTION OF THIS SHOW.


Friday, January 15, 2016

How Did This Happen?

I have friends. I do. I know I'm the nerdy girl who reads in the corner a lot of the time but I have friends. My main group of friends or as we call our selves squad. My squad is made up of a random yet perfect group of insanity. This may or may not be copying completely but I loved the idea too much not to. I'm going to nickname my friends by book characters from, you guessed it, Harry Potter.  Hopefully these friends of mine will be able to figure out who they are because (not the sharpest needles in the haystack (JUST KIDDING ILYSM)).
my dysfunctional yet functional friend family

Dean Thomas
Lily Potter
Remus Lupin
Seamus Finnigan
Katie Bell
Draco Malfoy
Minerva McGonagall
Ron Weasley
Cho Chang

I'm in that midst as well, incase you were wondering. I take what I said back, you guys won't figure out who's who. Sorry. I probably won't explain it either. Not sorry. About half of these people I met under two months ago. And how I've grown to love these people and need these people so much it scares me. I've shared so much with these people I feel so much more connected to them than I have anyone else. These people make me feel completed. They will always give me a shoulder to cry on, a hand to hold, a leg up, arm candy (the girls are much more attractive), a chest to punch, or a pillow of a thigh. These people care. They're some of the only people that do. I love them so much. All of them in their own unique way make this group a functioning friend group and I thank them for it everyday. 

Okay I might start crying if I keep writing about that so... let's talk about my day yesterday.

Yesterday was a really tough day. If you don't know or haven't heard, yesterday was the day Alan Rickman passed away. I found out on Instagram about thirty seconds after I woke up and I started crying. I realized I still had to go to school and stopped. I got dressed, I brushed my teeth, I packed my bag and I still had 30 minutes before I had to go to school. I thought too much and almost began crying again. Almost. I went into school unhappy. I organized the library books and was still not feeling any better (I love organizing bookshelves). I went to AP Geography and I did something that actually made me happy. I searched in google "wolfstar tumblr"
from tumblr
and that was the ONLY thing that made me even remotely happy. Then I went on Instagram and my ENTIRE FUCKING FEED WAS ALL ABOUT ALAN AND IT DIDN'T FUCKING HELP AND I'M PISSED. FUCKING PISSED. Then I saw a photo of Alan with the comment "When I'm 80 years old and sitting in my rocking chair, I'll be reading Harry Potter. And my family will say to me 'After all this time?' And I will say, 'Always.'" And I broke down. He never made it to 80. I'll never forget that. I remember reading that quote years ago and I said "That is so ME!" and now it'll never be him either. It just hurts and nothing makes sense right now. He made such an impact on my life that I just can't see straight. It's not okay. Nothing is okay.

I'm done. It's going to be okay. It's not right now but it will be.


Wednesday, January 13, 2016

It Has Finally Arrived. It's Time.


IT'S HERE. SHADOWHUNTERS DAY HAS COME AND GONE AND THE SHOW WAS OHMYGOD. Okay, for the non-spoiler section the acting and the special effects were pretty bad. BUT the potential for where this show is going and how it's going and following the plot of the book and ohmygod. I'm very impressed. I figured it'd just be anything but the book but damn, they were close. Ok now I gotta talk spoilers


Okay so the start of her walking into the art school was actually kind of awesome to see right away that she's like an art person but we also knew by her portfolio they were going to let her in because of that. It was pretty obvious. Then her with Simon was a fabulous BrOTP moment that I don't think I could've lived without. Then she goes home and sees her mom and her mom gives her the "family heirloom" which I actually liked because now she has the family's instead of one she gets randomly. Then the demon attack and Dot (the actual fuck was this bitch and why was she good???) being possessed by the ravener demon and those action sequences were pretty great. Ok, but before the demon attack and Clary was there?!? Uh nope. And the special effects of that portal. Uh hell no.
And Clary's scared acting. Laughably no. But Dominic and Alberto and Harry were pretty fucking awesome. And I loved Pandemonium, and the Institute was all tech-y which I thought is actually cooler because their technology was just not logical in the book. We also got no explanation of anything so people watching this show and not having read the book are just lost. Straight up, these people must be so confused because they didn't explain shit. I understand the need for the "All the legends are true" line but still. We need some more. And I would like some more Magnus. Now. I love Harry Shum and I love Magnus so overall, thoroughly excited for more of him.

i mean come on, a cover like this is bound to have some issues. from fan-place
I actually loved Simon in this, like a lot. He was really funny and how he was around Clary was great. I know that'll all get ruined once the whole "love triangle that lasts for 20 pages" happens. But still. Then Sizzy. AND MALEC THERE'S ALREADY AN EPISODE CALLED MALEC SO PUMPED. I loved Jocelyn and Luke was great and way to attractive for me to handle. The men in this show, man. So attractive. All of them. And you know you're only going to get more attracted to them as the show goes on. It's going to turn into Benedict Cumberbatch. He's really unattractive but apparently after you watch Sherlock you're magically attracted. Whatever. I still haven't watched it. Sorry not sorry.

I'd rate this finally an 85%. The soundtrack, the ideas put in place, and the cliffhanger really made it fabulous. What dropped it was the horrible special effects for the magic and the acting (specifically Katherine, I LOVE YOU THOUGH, I JUST KNOW YOU CAN DO BETTER) because they were disappointing.

Also there was a new Pretty Little Liars. It was okay. Not great. Kind of over this show. Should've ended it last season to be honest. It's just the same thing every season. Whatever. It's fine. I'll probably keep watching it because I'm trash.

So, not really reading anything. Sorry. It's finals week and I'm busy all the time. Reading slumps if you'll refer to my post "I Hate Myself" you can find more.


Friday, January 8, 2016



Finally I get to talk about Winter! This book was fan-fucking-tastic and it's the wrap-up of The Lunar Chronicles series, and this series is multiple fairytales told in a futuristic sic-fi genre. The first was Cinder, obviously Cinderella, the second was Scarlet, Little Red Riding Hood, the third was Cress, Rapunzel, and the final book was Winter, or Snow White. The final book takes place nearly the entire time on the moon and since it's the fourth book, I don't have much for non-spoilers.

not that kind of winter, dumbass courtesy of dreamatico

THIS BOOK WAS SO GOOD 10/10 WOULD BAND GOOD SO FANTASTIC AND A WONDERFUL CONCLUSION TO THIS 9/10 SERIES. That little -1 rate was for Scarlet, she still pisses me off to no end. Along with Wolf. But they are very overpowered in this series so, I think the last book was 10/10 because they were very minor while the characters I do like were much more major (ha three m's). Cinder was so badass and this book just kept me right on the edge of my seat the entire book. Cinder saved everyone and that final battle. Was so. Well. Written. Tears were worse than waterfalls down my face, I was just a mess and then Cress and Scarlet (idiot) and Wolf and it was just a disaster but they made it. I was unbelievably curious about what happened to Winter after the episode and if she's ever going to wake up from this "coma" and how Jacin is ever going to survive.

One of my absolute favorite parts was when Cinder and Jacin were taking the antidotes to that sector in the car-type-thing and they get into the garage and Cinder is preparing to get out of the car and Jacin just goes toward the stairs and Cinder just goes "No, Jacin, no, we can't fit, Jacin, don't if we break this car, Jacin stop, JACIN!" but they fit. and its bumpy but hilarious and they save all those people (little smiling, blushing emoji here). It was cute and funny and made me smile like an idiot. KAI AND CINDER WERE BARELY TOGETHER THE WHOLE BOOK WHICH MADE ME VERY UPSET. But when they were together it mAdE mY lIfE wHoLe. Also, I know, Levana is a bitch and a horrible person but I think she's kinda funny because she's just ridiculous and if you've read Fairest, you get it, she believes everything she's doing is right and justified and I find it comical in a very inappropriate way. Oh well. I'm insane so...

I'm a little disappointed on the lack of... physicality we got to read about the relationships. In other words, THERE WAS NO SEX. None and I am throughly disappointed. I'd also love to see Cinder and Kai totally get it on and her hard drive over heat because they are So DaMn HOT. And Cress and Thorne's make out scene was pretty good but I think Marissa can do better. A lot better. Also, we never find anyone for Iko which makes me sad. She's kind of alone. Just swooning over Throne who loves Cress. Whatever. FINE. Whatever. I'm way too emotionally attached to everyone in this series.

Ok I'm done talking about Winter. Not like I'm annoyed I just have nothing else to say. BUT GUYS GUYS GUYS SHADOWHUNTERS COMES OUT IN FOUR DAYS FOUR FUCKING DAYS GUYS. SO FUCKING EXCITED.
